Last updated


The Fetch API uses a semantic versioning scheme. We take great care as to ensure that any changes made to the api endpoints and models do not affect integrators without a major version bump. As time progresses we make incremental feature enhancements to existing versions as necessary. This can be found as new endpoints or additional model properties that get included overtime.

Currently Fetch API has two versions available, v2 and v3. The latest version (currently v3) is the preferred version as it properly supports utc based time which we have found is more reliable for integrations that consume our api for integration. Support for v2 is plained to sunset at some time in the future. All future versions of the api will be handled with a date time format of v3.

In more technical terms, the difference between v2 and v3 is that v2 the dates are considered local time in DateTime (2024-02-01T06:05:58.378), while v3 dates are DateTimeOffset (2024-02-01T06:05:58.3789726-05:00) to allow for UTC time based comparison.

Example of data field changes between v2 and v3

The following example objects highlight the expected changes between v2 and v3 API versions. The requests used here represent the same Client ID and User name for the token, so the source data can be considered the same.

Example v2

curl --location '>=20240118'

Response body

    "id": "8f51224d-f36b-1410-82e8-00371620ba36",
    "description": "DELETE_ME_LATER_PLS: 71931-13092",
    "sku": "24662FAKESKU27259",
    "lastUpdated": "2024-02-01T06:05:58.378Z",
    ...(other fields removed for brevity)

Example v3

curl --location '>=20240118'

Response body

    "id": "8f51224d-f36b-1410-82e8-00371620ba36",
    "description": "DELETE_ME_LATER_PLS: 71931-13092",
    "sku": "24662FAKESKU27259",
    "lastUpdated": "2024-02-01T06:05:58.3789726-05:00",
    ...(other fields removed for brevity)

Highlight of difference

  • v2 lastUpdated field reflects the local time value with Z at the end: 2024-02-01T06:05:58.378Z
  • v3 lastUpdated field reflects the full ISO 8601 representation as Date and time with the offset: 2024-02-01T06:05:58.3789726-05:00